E8 Artists

Are you an artist or craftsperson with a home or studio in London E8 that you would be willing to open to the public to sell your work? Great! We are keen to have you on board.

  • Our twice-yearly Trail will run on a Saturday and Sunday in June and December, from 11am-5pm.
  • You do not have to be available for every Trail to sign up.  If you are interested fill in the Application Form below.
  • As a participating artist, your address will appear on the interactive map on this website. You will also have your own artist’s page on the site, including an introduction to your practice, images of your work, and links to your website and social media. We hope that this will become a valuable promotion tool.

No suitable space?

If you are an E8 artist without a home or studio suitable to open to the public, we will have space for a limited number of artists to sell their work on the December 2022 Trail at the Ridley Road Social Club. Please email info@e8artandcrafttrail.co.uk for more information.


The Trail is not-for-profit. An initial registration fee of £45 will contribute to the cost of setting up and maintaining the website. This will also include your first Trail.

A subsequent fee of £25 will be charged for each weekend Trail you choose to participate in, to cover promotion costs.

The registration fee covers one or two artists sharing a home or studio. If there are more than 2 artists at one address, please contact info@E8artandcrafttrail.co.uk for advice about registration.

You will also be welcome to invite other artists who don’t live or work with you to share your space to sell their work at no additional cost.


The Trail is intended for private homes and small studios shared by a maximum of 5 artists.

We hope to include a wide range of arts and crafts in the Trail. An important element is the opportunity for public to ‘meet the maker’. All items should therefore be handmade by you or by the other artists you invite to share your space on the days of the Trail. This event is not intended for the sale of mass-produced goods, imported goods, or goods sourced from others on a commercial basis.


We will promote each Trail in the local press, on social media and with a variety of printed materials. We will also depend on all members of the trail to promote each event through their own social media accounts and distribution lists, especially in the early stages.


You will be responsible for your own public liability insurance. If you do not have this already, it can be obtained inexpensively from a-n, the Artists’ Information Company at https://www.a-n.co.uk

Applying to join

If you are interested in applying to join the E8 Art & Craft Trail, please complete and submit the application form.

There will be a very light touch vetting process by the Trail organisers to ensure that your work meets the inclusion criteria mentioned above. Once your application has been accepted, you will be directed to a payment page for the £40 registration fee and we will be in touch with information about the next Trail.

Apply Form

Fill in the form below to apply for your home or studio to be included in the E8 Art and Craft Trail.

Please note there is a £45 registration fee.  Once your application has been accepted you will be sent the link to pay by Paypal.